We believe in the power and promise of public education to transform individuals and communities, yet too often this promise goes unrealized.  Across the country dedicated educators recognize the gap between the education they envision for their students and current results.  Our approach balances urgency with a long-term focus on sustainability and collaboration.  Together we work to create enduring systems and supports that help unlock the talents of adults and students alike.

Investigate and strategize as true partners.

The Calsoyas Group approach is to consult closely with project owners to define guiding principles and work iteratively to identify the core set of opportunities and challenges that a new process or system is designed to address.  As we work with the principle project owners on design, we also engage different sets of stakeholders at appropriate points in the process to maximize the value of their input and sense of purpose.  In our experience, project staff and stakeholders are extremely busy and focused on solving the problems right in front of them.  As a result, we do not view ourselves as merely the translator of a client’s vision – rather we view ourselves as co-builders of the vision details and bring to the design process different perspectives, expertise and creativity.  We are both facilitators and active participants in the design process, creating structured spaces and opportunities for our clients to think deeply and generate solutions that are both innovative and transformative.

Generate new insights efficiently.

We harness the potential of your existing data, technologies, and tools by enhancing them with our customizable data collection instruments and advanced analytics.

Our philosophy is to go directly to sources with the most knowledge in a particular domain.  We believe in going deep in specific areas to access stakeholders' particular expertise whether they be

  • Parents

  • Community

  • Novice staff

  • Experienced staff

  • Current managers

  • Administrators

  • Job candidates

  • Recommenders

  • Aspiring teachers or leaders

Regardless of the scope, we pull together  existing and new data into a nuanced and coherent picture, not a series of disconnected data points or reports.

Design and implement sustainable solutions.

Whether a simple selection process redesign or a robust leadership development data system, our solutions are grounded in an understanding of what it means to teach students, lead schools and run organizations.  All of our solutions are tailored to your specific challenges and connect three critical elements:

  • Your values

  • Your data

  • Your professional expertise